Family succes = societal success / Family failure = socital failure

“Throughout history, nations have been able to survive a multiplicity of disasters, invasions, famines, earthquakes, epidemics, depressions, but they have never been able to survive the disintegration of the family.

“The family is the seedbed of economic skills, money habits, attitudes toward work, and the arts of financial independence. The family is a stronger agency of educational success than the school. The family is a stronger teacher of the religious imagination than the church. … What strengthens the family strengthens society. …

“The role of a father, a mother, and of children … is the absolutely critical center of social force. … If things go well with the family, life is worth living; when the family falters, life falls apart.” (Michael Novak, “The Family Out of Favor,” Harper’s, April 1976, pp. 42–43.)

On time travel

“I do not see how any Christian can believe in time travel. Were time travel possible, anything scenario which adheres to the natural laws would be possible. No atonement could ever be said to be infinite or eternal as time couldn’t be fixed and nothing could truly be said to have occurred (except as a transient statement of temporary fact).

“True that our perception of time is relative, but time itself never is when viewed from a fixed distance.”JLP

“The ultimate end of all activity in the church is that a man and his wife and their children can be happy at home.”



“One cannot forget mother and remember God”



“Remarkable qualities find their truest and most satisfying expression through motherhood.”



Benefits of Mother At Home

I’m reading “The Miracle of Forgiveness” by Spencer W. Kimball. Here’s a quote from it:

“Of course it is recognized that some widows and occasionally wives with families at home must work to support their families.  But this ought not to be done where avoidable.  Mothers of unmarried children should come home and, where necessary, let standards of living and luxury reduce to a point where the salary of the husband will suffice.  The numerous luxuries are far too costly when a marriage and children’s welfare are on the scales.  The point is underlined in a sermon by Elder Boyd K. Packer:

‘…I would go back to the home that has a mother there….I ask you…what good is a big picture window and the lavish appointments and the priceless decor in a home if there is no mother there?  The mother as a mother, not as a breadwinner, is an essential figure in this battle against immorality and wickedness.  I would also go back to the family where children were accountable and where father was the head of the family.

‘Would you think me naive if I were to propose that this battle ultimately will be won on such simple grounds as the children coming in after school to homemade bread and jam and mama there?  Or on such grounds as Daddy and Mama taking their youngsters to Sacrament meeting?  Or that tender hug as they are put to bed and Daddy and Mama saying, “We need you in this family.  You are a part of us, no matter what your troubles are, you can come home.”

Easily spoiled

“Father would not let him handle the young horses or the colts. Father didn’t trust him yet, because colts and young, unbroken horses are very easily spoiled.” quote from “Farmer Boy”

book-farmerboyI recently read “Farmer Boy” by Laura Ingles Wilder to our children and was struck by the constant reminder that Almanzo was not allowed to go near the colts because of his youth.  He could easily do something that would spook them or scare them and spoil the colts.

The other day I was sitting on the couch with Ephraim and Jasper.  Jasper was doing something, not mean but it could be taken that way by Ephraim and I immediately thought of Almanzo and the colts.  I realized that babies are easily spoiled.  Not from being held too much as was the old saying by our parents generation but from not feeling our constant love and appreciation for them.  By being harsh,  impatient, or ever bugged by their presence.  I wish I could do as Almanzo’s father did and keep my children completely isolated to only those who would treat them with that understanding.

Our midwife said that studies have been done on breastfeeing infants, and those who wish their boys to fight, to be soldiers, immediately take them from their mother’s at birth and wouldn’t let them breastfeed because that is the way to raise fighters, those who are indifferent to others or even filled with anger and hatred.  I want my boys to be filled with love, and kindness, to understand we are all part of the the human family, endowed with rights from our creator.

“As many as shall believe in Christ shall also become a delightsome people”

2 Nephi 30 7 sage


God’s existance

Throughout much of history doubters simply said that the miracles in scripture were impossible, thereby nullifying God.  Now that science has proven how many of the miracles were done doubters simply say that since man can do it there is no need for God, thereby nullifying Him.

“We hold these truths to be self evident”

founding-fathers7The founding fathers, in the Declaration of Independence, stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Surprisingly I have found that the vast majority of our society no longer finds these truths to be self evident, in fact they can no longer find an origin for them at all.  A mind shift has taken place, and for the most part our society believes that the states have the right to declare what our rights are.

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